Monday, July 5, 2010

Sardar Mohammad Abdul Qayyum Khan

Sardar Mohammad Abdul Qayyum Khan (Mujahid-e-awwal)

Date Place of Birth:
4th April 1924- Ghaziabad, District, Bagh (Poonch) then Part of Former State of Jammu & Kashmir.


Attended various educational institutions of united India. Attained Secondary education
from Punjab University, Lahore, then united India, presently Pakistan.
After completing his secondary education, he joined the Engineers Corps of the British Indian Army
and saw active service un the African Deserts and Middle East and gained
valuable experience in ware tactics.
He also witnessed the Palestine Operation (Levant Area) from very close quarters (1942-1946).
On the basis of that vast experience organized and strengthened
the Kashmir Freedom Movement on his return from the battlefront in 1947.
a) Formerly President, currently Supreme Head, All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference, Political emancipation of the State of Jammu & Kashmir. He remained par president on 14 previous occasions.
b) Member Kashmir Assembly.
c) Regular Member Constituent Council World Muslim League, Makkah Al Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia ( Rabita-al-Islami).
a) Four times former President of the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K)- adult franchise.
b) Elected Prime Minister of AJ&K.
c) Opposition Leader from 1996 to 1998.
d) Former Chairman President’s National Kashmir Committee- Pakistan.
e) Founder Leader of Freedom Struggle – 1947-1949
f) Selected member of the first Plebiscite Committee on this side of the cease-fire Line.
Initiation of Kashmir Struggle:
When the Dogra ruler refused to the demand of Kashmiris accede to Pakistan,he organized,initiated
and led the Liberation Movement on 23rd August 1947 from the historic hilltop of Neela Butt,resulting
in liberation of territory now called Azad Jammu & Kashmir. It eas the most disciplined
pragmatic and effective operation with its unique characterizes under extreme trying
conditions obtaining elsewhere. On this achievement he was bestowed the title
Mujahid-e-Awwal by the Kashmiri Nation.Many rominent historians also recognize him as
“The first Crusader of the Kashmir Freedom Movement”.
He raised and commanded 1st AK Battalion, which presently 19 Azad Kashmir Battalion.
Later on he led into operation one brigade, which hams had raised .
It was a six-battalion brigade known in history boods as “Qayyum Brigade”.
It operated a wide and strategic area between Uri and Poonch. That struggle lasted
for about 18 months from August 1947 to February 1949, and was suspended, because of
the cease-fire
call by the UNO in 1947. He resigned from his active command immediately after the
UNO Cease-fire call and started political career from the platform of the All Jammu & Kashmir
Muslim Conference.
Public Offices
a) 1952: Minister of the state of AJ&K. As Minister, he was charged for attempting to violate Cease-fire Line and resume the armed struggle, where of he was interned and remained imprison for a year and half.
b) 1956: Elected as President of the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, by the General Council of All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference, which was then the Constitutional Authority to --- the Azad Kashmir President.
c) 1971: Elected as President, State of AJ&K, on basis of Adult Franchise for four years.
d) 1979: Appointed Member Constituent Council, World Muslim League, Makkah-tul – Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia ( Rabita-al-Islami)
e) 1985: Martial Law Regime eased the restrictions on the political activities and democratic process was revived. He was elected President AJ&K by the Legislative Assembly
f) 1990: Elected as President AJ&K for 4th time.
g) 1991: Resigned as President and got elected as Prime Minister, AJ&K through Assembly.
h) 1996: Became Member AJ&K Legislative Assembly. Elected as Leader of the Opposition.
i) 2001: Elected Member AJ&K Legislative Assembly.
j) 2002: Appointed Chairman President’s National Committee.

Political / Ideological Contribution

a. 1958: To give a new dimension to the importance of the Kashmir Liberation Movement(KLM) he reorganized the Movement by arranging to cross the Cease-fire Line in collaboration with Veteran Kashmiri Leader Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas. For his initiative Sardar Muhammad Abdul Qayyum Khan was arrested and imprisoned for about six months, along with sores of worker including the Leader Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas Khan.
b. 1959: Due to Martial Law restrictions, remained confined to domestic affairs and worked in unison with AK Government for improving the lot of the Refugees from IHK.
c. 1965: During the war of 1965 actively participated in arranging volunteers for the Pakistan Army. Besides, helped in keeping vigil over the supply line and providing volunteers for the Mujahideen.
d. 1968: To counter the increasing atrocities by the Indian Army on the hapless people of Occupied Kashmir, organized and launched a volunteer force by the name of “Al-Mujahid” comprising on indigenous and local support. The outfit also kept a vigil and cheek on the Indian intransigence on his side of the line of control as well.
e. 1971: After the fall of Dhaka during 1971, under critical ideological crisis there was need to strengthen ideological parameter of Pakistan. As such the Accession of Kashmir to Pakistan, war and part of AJ&K Constitution, Urdu was declared as the Official Language and “Shalwar Kameez” was introduced as the Official National Dress. In keeping with the saying of the Quaid-e-Azam “Kashmir is the jugular Vein of Pakistan”, he coined and introduced the renowned slogan of “ Kashmir Banega Pakistan”
f. 1975: During the Government – Opposition Crisis under the banner of PNA, in 1975,
he was arrested and interned for a year and a half. However, when the crisis deepened, he was the only leader who effectively played a historical role of a mediator and succeeded in bringing the Government and the opposition alliance on the negotiating table. This role was highly praised and he was acclaimed as a peace negotiator, both nationally and internationally.
Authored dozens of books on Freedom Struggle, Spiritual/Religious aspects.
Perhaps, the only contemporary politician of the country,
who has to his credit cast contribution in polities, economy, defends and religion,
particularly on Freedom Struggle, both in Urdu and English.
a) In Search of Freedom (3-vol)
b) The Kashmir Case.
c) The Kashmir Dispute Options for Settlement
d) The Kashmir Problem
e) Miracles of Quran
f) Operation Gibraltar on 1965 War
g) Consolidated Report- National Kashmir Committee- 2002-2003
Widely traveled and participated in numerous seminars, Conferences and
meetings at international level all over the world, particularly Europe, USA, Middle East
and Africa.
War Experience:
Participated in the 2nd World War from 1942 to 1946, in an Engineers Unit as part of the
British Indian Army. As an ardent seeker of knowledge rich experience of war during the
British assault on the Germans in the African Deserts and Middle East particularly Palestine
(Levant Area).
Speeches / Lectures

a) Carnegie Endowment for international peace, Washington D.C. USA.
b) Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington.
c) Harvard, George Washington and Buffalo Universities in USA.
d) Cambridge and Oxford Universities in UK.
e) Addressed the South Asian Delegation European Parliament in Brussels.
f) Only Politician to have addressed HRC – Geneva as leader of Pakistani Delegation.
g) Addressed Press Conferences in UNO HQ, News York.
h) Addressed Editorial Board BBC HQ London
i) Addressed Editorial Board Press Club of Beirut.
j) Addressed Editorial Board of Leading International Newspapers USA. (i) Washington Post, (ii)New York Times (iii) Wall Street Journal
k) Addressed the National Press Club, Washington D.C ., twice in 1998.
l) Together with a Kashmiri Delegation from both sides of the Cease-fire Line met for the first time at the White House with US National Security Advisor and Senior American Officials, dealing with South Asia.
m) Regularly invited by the OIC to attend OIC Contact Groups on Kashmir and OIC Foreign Ministers Conference.
n) Frequent visiting speaker to: (a ) Pakistan Military Academy< Kakul , (b) Command & Staff College Quetta, (c) Civil Services Academy, Lahore, (d) National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), Lahore, (e) War College of Pakistan Navy (f) National Defense College Islamabad, (g) Logistics Staff College Murree, (h) Army School of Infantry & Tactics, Since 1987.
o) Visit and lectures at different Defense Academies and Institutes at International level.
p) Delivered briefings to the International Study Teams, War Colleges, Defense Attaches, Diplomatic Delegations and State Dignitaries, Royal War Course Team UK, Air Defense Teams USA, China, Germany etc. Indian Defense Delegation known as “Soldiers Initiative for peace” comprising eleven generals including four star generals.

Dignitaries & Functionaries :
Met various International Dignitaries and Government Functionaries in
official as well as private capacity:

a) King Fasil Shaheed Saudi Arabia
b) Syed Amunul Hussein Shaheed Grand Mufti Palestine
c) King Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz (Late) Saudi Arabia
d) Mr. Leo Shao Chi Popular Leader of China
e) Col. Muammar Qaddafi Libyan Arab Jamhairiya
f) Yasir Arafat Palestine
g) Mamoon Abdul Qayyum Tunisia
h) Habib Bourquiba Africa
i) General Muhammad Bashir Umar Algiers
j) Al Shiekh Jabar Al Sabah Amir Kuwait
k) Col. Saleh Amir Yemen
l) Robin Cook, Foreign Minister UK
m) Ms Robin Rafeal USA
n) Mr. Inderfurth USA
o) Prince Saud Al Faisal FM Saudi Arabia
p) Ali Akbar Vallayeri FM Iran
q) Prince Karin Agha Khan Ambassador at large
r) Tenku Abdur Rehman Indonesia
s) General Rezai, Commander Pasdaran Iran

International recognition
a) American Biographical Institute declared Sardar Muhammad Abdul Qayyum Khan as “Man of the year for 1998” for his outstanding worldwide services for peace.
b) Due to his worldwide acclaim and recognition he was twice invited to address the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal, New York USA in 1998